(LIVE AUCTION) Country Life by Artist Denro-Lee Boois – (Value: Priceless)

Country Life by Denro-Lee | 750 x 500 | Acrylic on Canvas



About Denro-Lee Boois

Age: 22 | Disability: Muscular Dystrophy

Talent: Denro is a multi-talented young man, he is able to draw using different mediums.  He joined the art program earlier in 2019 and initially was cautious about working with paint on canvas as he had never done so.  Denro is growing in skill and confidence at a very fast pace.

Name of Sponsor/Company:  Orion Art program

Website: http://www.orionorganisation.org/

Email:  marketing@orionorganisation.co.za

Landline Number 021 572 8419

Cell Number: 082 517 0072

Contact Person: Veronica Pronk

Value: Priceless