“MIEMS” by Artist Eslin Deysel (A portrait one of the social workers at Orion) – (Value: Priceless)

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“MIEMS” by Artist Eslin Deysel ( A portrait one of the social workers at Orion ) | 750 x 500 cm Acrylic on Canvas

Item condition: New

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Description of Item: “MIEMS” by Artist Eslin Deysel ( A portrait one of the social workers at Orion ) | 750 x 500 cm Acrylic on Canvas


Eslin Deysel joined the Orion Art Program in 2018 as a volunteer to assist with the production of the art and the finishing off of the pieces.

In 2019 he became employed on a full time basis and took over running the Art Program in a Supervisory Position.

Eslin is very passionate about art, he has done some studies and worked in the studio of Richard Scott for 2 years learning skills and developing his own artistic capacity.

As the supervisor in the program Eslin is responsible to guide and assist the artists to develop their skills and creativity, he from time to time collaborates with an artist working equally on a piece with them, his individual passion though is stills, portraits and pencil sketching.

Name of Sponsor/Company:  Orion Art program

Website: http://www.orionorganisation.org/

Email:  marketing@orionorganisation.co.za

Landline Number 021 572 8419

Cell Number: 082 517 0072

Contact Person: Veronica Pronk

Value: Priceless

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Auction Expired because there were no bids
Auction started 6 Sep 2021 4:02 pm

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