(LIVE AUCTION) Left Eye by Artist Angelo April – ( Value: Priceless)

Left Eye by Artist Angelo April | Acrylic on Canvas | 600 x 450



Left Eye by Artist Angelo April | Acrylic on Canvas | 600 x 450

Angelo April

Age: 22 years, born in Atlantis, Cape Town

Disability: Hearing Impaired

Talent:  Angelo joined us at Orion last year, he studied at Robin Hill School and finished his education in December 2017.  Angelo is a gentle person who just loves to sit and draw, he is extremely talented and is greatly inspired by the Picasso style of drawing.

Name of Sponsor/Company:  Orion Art program

Website: http://www.orionorganisation.org/

Email:  marketing@orionorganisation.co.za

Landline Number 021 572 8419

Cell Number: 082 517 0072

Contact Person: Veronica Pronk

Value: Priceless